The Ultimate Guide to using QR Codes on your Digital Displays

digital display QR code

In a world where technologies dominate the lifestyle of mankind, it is inevitable that everyone has easy access to anything and everything with just a single click. With our mobile phones on our hands all the time, services and even information from different industries have already been within reach through various modern-day advancements. Connections and communications have never been this effortless before.

Reaching out to your target market is also made easy now with the advent of technologies like the Quick Response code or QR code. Through customized QR codes generated just for you, you can advertise, inform, and offer various services to your clients through customized QR codes.

QR Code Solutions for an interactive display

It’s not as complicated as it sounds. You can actually link any site or page to your QR code without problematizing about the intricacies of coding and other computer programming hustles.

Social Media QR Code
Redirecting your customers to your social media sites can be done by just using this QR code solution. Through this you can boost your followers, likers, or subscribers, or your social media engagement by just displaying this QR code to your digital displays.

H5 editor QR Code
If you’ve been aiming to create your own website to link to your QR code, then this is the best solution for you. Using the H5 QR code solution, you’ll be able to lead your clients to your customized website without breaking a sweat.

Feedback QR Code
As business owners it is very important to know your clients’ experience with your products to be able to make adjustments to the services your offer. By generating a feedback QR code, you can redirect your customers and give them a quick and easy way to leave their reviews and ratings.

Video QR Code
Inflating your subscribers or views to any of your video content is now made easier by generating a URL QR code, a File QR code, or a YouTube QR code to divert your patrons to your clips.

Coupon QR Code
A successful business has a happy and satisfied customer. And what better way to bring your buyers on cloud nine than presenting a coupon QR code to your digital displays! Consequently, this strategy also boosts your sales as it attracts more potential buyers like magnet.

Multi-URL QR Code
Connecting any user, like your purchasers, to multiple URLs doesn’t require that much effort with a Multi-URL QR code. The best thing about this is that clients can be redirected to different landing pages based on their location, time, the number of scans, and even the language settings on their phones!

Advantages of Using QR Codes on your Digital Displays

Offers accessible information to customers
The essence of QR codes is that they make the acquisition of information convenient for everyone. Providing details about your products for your clients is made easy by just using a smartphone device as a scanner.

Provides a variety of information
QR codes are perfect for embedding different types of information such as photos, videos, text or pdf files, mp3, contact details, social media sites, website, and many more. There are a lot of options to choose from to cater the needs and wants of your patrons.

Trackable content and editable scans
Dynamic QR codes enables you to edit the content or page that you previously linked to it as it also enables you to track every data. The QR code generator can trace the number of times your QR code has been scanned, the scanner’s location, and even the type of device used to scan the code.


The overall experience in merging the QR codes and your digital displays imposes an engaging and interactive encounter with you and your customers. And though this might bring an unforgettable experience for your patrons, this could also bring good outcomes to your brand.


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