Best QR Code generator for Teachers


QR codes are everywhere ranging from retail to manufacturing industry and to education.

In a research conducted, there is a 94% of students who uses their smartphone devices in class for leisure and academic purposes.

To gauge more with this, integrate e-learning through QR codes in classrooms which is highly beneficial to teachers and students.

Choose the Best QR Code Generator with Logo for Teaching

The best QR code generator with logo offers different QR code solutions you can generate from. May it be a QR code for student IDs, video QR for video presentations in class, file QR for educational documents and others.

You can create QR codes for more engaging student and teacher interaction inside and outside the four corners of the classroom.

Ways to use QR Codes for Teachers

1.       Attendance

Easily check the attendance of your students using QR codes. This will create and automated attendance system for your class.

2.     Saves Time in Accessing Different URLs

You can let your students visit a certain URL or website with the use of QR codes.

3.      Library Audio Book

Offer a real book to study with a digital element when using QR codes. Your students will surely enjoy this type of learning.

4.      Reviews on Library Book

Students can scan the QR code inside the book and leave their opinion and reviews for future readers.

5.     Environmentally Friendly

Without printing excessive hand-outs, your learners can still access instructional materials, projects, and assignments thru QR codes online.

6.     Word Wall QR Codes

Text QR codes with phrases and let your learners practice their reading skills in a fun way using Word wall QR codes.

7.     Promote an interactive classroom calendar

Have your classroom reminders, activities, or events be places in a QR code so that your students can be informed by simply scanning the code.

8.     Research Compilation

Link the QR code to items, articles, or videos related to your students’ research.

9.     Treasure Hunt

Make a synchronous and interactive game for your students to enjoy in class in a mode of a treasure hunt. Simply generate a QR code with a prize or award inside the code.

10.   QR Codes in Botanical Gardens

Place a QR code on each plant species which will redirect to a video/information page about the plant.

11.   Check-out educational videos

Create a QR code linking to a visually informative video for your students to interact and understand inside the class.

12.   Access help for students

Link the QR code to sources that will assist the students for help. For instance, redirect a struggling student of any subject to a video tutorial embedded inside the code.

13.   Check Students Work

Make an answer key scannable by a QR code for your students to individually check their works.

14.   Student Identification

Create advanced student identification cards using QR codes.


There are a lot of ways to help a teacher be engaging in class with QR codes. Furthermore, the best QR code generator with logo provides you can effortless integration of interactive educational classroom offline and online.


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